PP2 – PP3 Hand Brine Injector

Hand Brine Injector

This hand brine injector is a  low cost portable unit with the following features:

  • Stainless steel housing
  • Impellor pump
  • Pressure gauge
  • Single 3mm needle
  • Plastic pistol head (metal on PP 3)
  • Connection provided for second pistol (PP 3 model)

Optional pickle injection equipment at additional cost:

  • Second pistol, including hose
  • 3 needle head with 3mm needles
  • 6 needle head with 2mm needles

Other hand brine injectors in this range include:

PI9- P17 Automatic Pickle Injector 

This curing and marinating system is part of the Gunther range of equipment for which Paragon Processing Solutions are sole agent for UK and Ireland.

Applications: Hand brine injector for injection bone-in and boneless meat

Download the Product Brochure (pdf)
